Last portion of garden vlogs for a while!

Since my phone camera is broken and I don’t have a stand for my normal camera (and definitely don’t want to drop it which happened often with the phone on uneven garden grounds) I’m stopping the garden diaries for the time being 🙂 I think I’ll post a one catch up video maybe?

But here are 3 more videos for you to enjoy for now! ^^

Some replanting and planting~


And some witchcraft! Just joking, propagating herbs happens on its own basically 😀

The stuff just grows for now, and I don’t know how many times I can show the same plant without it getting boring ^^’ But I learned a lot, and I think I’ll do stuff much more efficient next year! I know how now after all. My most splendid success are definitely tomatoes, I managed to grow enough saplings from seeds that my whole family, and husband’s family got quite a lot of them ^^

But I’m also growing cucumbers! And I think I’ll focus on those more next year :3 They are so much easier to grow, and they grow ultra fast. And are not as fragile as tomatoes 🍅

So! I’ll see you soon ❤ by the way, it’s my 4th wordpress anniversary! Time flies! I really love this little space on the internet and how much courage and freedom it gave me.


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